Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
August 25th Magnitude Understanding

I choose to magnify--expand--put the spotlight on understanding.
You might think that is a strange thing but think about it. King Solomon was known as the wisest man in all the world, and in the Proverbs2:3-6 he says:
Yea, if you cry after knowledge, and lift up you voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver and search for her as for hid treasures; Then shall you understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.Let's look for understanding in our conversations, in our places of employment, in our ministries, and most importantly in our personal relationships so that we also find knowledge and have wisdom--because we seek understanding.
Be blessed and be a blessing through understanding.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Aug 18th Loving You
I love the little choruses we learned as children about love, being happy, doing good, and especially appreciating all people.
For the past few days I have been singing Jesus Loves the Little Children, All the children of the world. Yellow, Red, Black or White ... all are precious in His sight. Jesus loves all the children of the world.
My Monday Magnitude is to love the people of the world. I don't have to agree with everything they say or do, but I am commanded to "love my neighbor as myself." It is impossible to hate them and love me. It is impossible to have a Christ-like love for all of God's creation and has a dis-ease with others.
We don't have to agree on everything, and we have the right to peacefully disagree, but how can we, of any culture, hate another simply for being?
The difference is Jesus and His love for me, is duplicated and multiplied in my affection for His creation ... My Monday Magnitude ... Jesus loves you and so do I.
Spread some Joyful Magnitude today on your blog. Get the code to the left and join us around the met, be sure to link back here in the comments so more will see your joy
Sunday, August 10, 2008
August 11th -- Love and Joy --Consider Your Ways
Most of us are reading and/or beginning the study of end-time prophecies, whether from a biblical perspective, Nostradamus, or other writings.
Perry Stone's Manna-Fest Program ( www.voe.org ) this week spoke about presidential election years. The feelings of confusion that seem to manifest as the election date draws near increases and then began to demonstrate historical lineage. Well, it's good to get understanding in all things, and listened with great interest. But my outcome is not one of concern because I know that with the right attitude and focus on Jesus, today is another Monday Magnitude!
So today, I chose to take the advice of the Lord when he said, consider your ways.
Today I chose to carefully consider my ways so that my future will be bright and with all good things. I will carefully consider my ways knowing that He directs my path into the ways of righteousness that brings me blessings.
Today I choose to expand or to make the magnitude of my thoughts towards good choices part of today and each day into a purposeful and deliberate future.
Haggai 1:5
Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.
Make your day and week count for the Lord—Make it a great Magnitude—Make a pandemic of love and joy in the Lord!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Monday Magnitudes - Refining Relics - August 4th

"Most people rust out due to lack of challenge. Few people rust out due to overuse."
Author Unknown
When I lived in the western United States, it was always fun to go to the country, roam around the fields of wild flowers. Each day we were thrilled to watch the panoramic paintbrush of God in the sky at sunrise and again at sunset. Everything was like the first time. Each visit brought new and yet to be explored beauty and wonder.
However, I am also reminded of stumbling upon old campgrounds and log cabins that had long ago been abandoned. The contents mostly gone and an occasional cup or pot left for the seasonal rains to fill, the winter snows to freeze, and the sun to warm the now rusted tin.

Being a collector and enjoying the simple pleasures of country living, those relics are treasures. This Monday Magnitude is about the joy of picking up what seems a relic, seeing the beauty in it and making something useful.
Today I say bring on the challenges of life, expand me, stretch me—let me become useful in ways I didn't know. Teach me the things that I might not understand and bring wisdom into my vessel that it continually be renewed.
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:3
Friday, August 1, 2008
Monday Magnitudes Information Page--Join and Have FUN

Monday Magnitudes started in July 2008, by me! The response has been overwhelming—or as we would say—surprising magnitude. Thanks to everybody for the encouragement and reader/blogger participation
What is magnitude? According to Webster's Dictionary is it greatness in size
or extent. It also refers to intensity i.e. of an earthquake. Words can produce the same affect (emotion).
A new theme will be posted every Sunday. Simply write your blog on the theme; copy and paste the code so the button shows at the top of your post and it will automatically take your readers back to the original Monday Magnitudes.
We can grow a huge network of positive statements that go out on the Internet—the airways, weekly. This meme grew from a weekly column I write and group on Take Root and Write called Differences Encouraged. YOU and I can make a difference in the world.
Scripture reference or other positive statements encouraged. Post your Monday Magnitude on Sunday evening so that everybody all your readers can see it first thing on Monday. Let's start the week out with our best words forward.
How to play Monday Magnitudes
Simple. You just play by posting a blog of the weekly theme on YOUR site (blog) - that’s it. Keep in mind, more will find you if you comment on my weekly Monday Magnitude posted on the main page. In the comments you leave on my page, you can put a link back to your page so others will visit you.
How will you know who is playing? Tip: For the title of your post use “Monday Magnitudes Theme” or something similar to help others know what is intended for the Monday Magnitudes, with the date, add Monday Magnitude to your tags. View my comments each week, comment when you play so others can find you or surf Monday Magnitudes.
To play you must display the Monday Magnitudes Button on Your MM post. You can grab the
code below. If you really want to support and have an outside blog, post the MM button on the sidebar of your blog. You just use the same code! Grab the WHOLE code below...
<a href="http://mondaymagnitudes.blogspot.com/2008/08/monday-magnitudes-information-page-join.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn136/TakeRootandWrite/MM3.jpg"/></a>
Support us! It will allow others to find us and join!
Have fun!