Sunday, October 26, 2008

Monday Magnitude--Expand Your Creativity

This is the week that I start to prepare myself for the 30-days of November writer my fingers and mind into a state of frenzy event. This year I decided to do an expanded version by joining both the and events. The first is writing a novel start to finish during the month of November, and the second is 30-days of blogging.

If it sounds a bit hectic it is, but for me it is a great way to get thoughts together, increase writing productivity, and really get the mind moving. It also puts a lot of other things on the back burner.

This week I choose my Magnitude, that thing that I want to expand and hope you will join me in the challenge this week--Let's Magnitude our creativity, our positive thoughts and energy towards a goal of your choice. Plan to be in a better place of thought, learning, or whatever in a week's time.

I would love to have you leave a comment on what you plan to do. If you like to write, come join the thousands that have already signed up at the above links and write away with us. For my 30-days of blogging you will find it a which you are daily invited to read. Its a bit about all the aspects of what makes me--me in relationship to the world and each other.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Monday Magnitude--Saying Thanks

On this particular Monday I choose to expand my thoughts and appreciation
to the men and women around the world,
in all cultures who wear fatigues, and serve their countries;
defending their values.

The Bible teaches that the devil comes
to kill, to rob, and to destroy
As and we begin a new wave of military expansion
which is evident in leadership around the world
different values, different agenda
wanting to confront others quickly

I choose this Monday to Magnitude Trust in God,
To Magnitude love for life
and to let others know how much I love and appreciate them
just for being who they are

Join me this week in writing a letter of thanks
to soldiers, if you need help finding somebody just let me know
Go to a nursing facility and give somebody that is all alone a hug
Visit with family that you haven't seen or spoken to in a while
Spend a few hours and give a high five on all those 'ning" groups
that you call friends LOL

Make this Monday Magnitude really outstanding in somebody's life

No matter what your country, send a letter or two to
a military person this week
Encourage them by saying Thanks!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday Magnitude - Recongizing God

We Recognize You As Lord

We thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for his saving blood, his mercy and grace to bring us through the mires of life, become obedient to his Word, and gives us victory against every challenge that comes. Oh Glory, HIS name is Jesus--Lord of lords, and King of kings, and nothing shall bring down HIS kingdom. Hallelujah!

WE Give You Praise

For you O Lord set the seas within its borders

that they do not over flow except at your command

The mountains retain their splendor

and all of creation listens and is obedient to your Word

We are blessed to be part of your Word O Lord

Be not silent to our hearts--but let us hear the majesty of your voice

Sweet rain and fragrance, the wind and sun, the moon and stars

All of that which you have made, let us rejoice because we can

This week I choose to magnify the Lord my God,

to recognize His majesty in everything that I do, everything that I see, everything that I become involved with

Come, magnify the Lord with me, for He is worthy of our praise!