We thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for his saving blood, his mercy and grace to bring us through the mires of life, become obedient to his Word, and gives us victory against every challenge that comes. Oh Glory, HIS name is Jesus--Lord of lords, and King of kings, and nothing shall bring down HIS kingdom. Hallelujah!
WE Give You Praise
For you O Lord set the seas within its borders
that they do not over flow except at your command
The mountains retain their splendor
and all of creation listens and is obedient to your Word
We are blessed to be part of your Word O Lord
Be not silent to our hearts--but let us hear the majesty of your voice
Sweet rain and fragrance, the wind and sun, the moon and stars
All of that which you have made, let us rejoice because we can
This week I choose to magnify the Lord my God,
to recognize His majesty in everything that I do, everything that I see, everything that I become involved with
Come, magnify the Lord with me, for He is worthy of our praise!

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